Did you know that you have a superpower for good? It has to do with your influence on the people you know to give. Here it is:
Your voice is 60 times more powerful to influence your peers’ giving than any other person’s. That means that no matter how well an organization can tell people about a cause — your voice matters more!
The simple act of you explaining why a cause is important to you, and inviting your friends and family to give, is 60 times more likely to raise money than if the organization simply invited those same people to give.
Think about it! That’s a superpower you might not have even known you had.
And if you have a Facebook page, there’s a really easy way to invite people to give: Facebook Fundraisers.
On Giving Tuesday, November 27, we’re looking for 30 friends willing to host a Facebook fundraiser for $200 to support life-giving programs for kids. We find that Facebook has one of the best fundraising platforms out there, with no fees whatsoever – 100% of donations go straight to SCYM.
$200 is enough to support one kid in SCYM programs for EIGHT MONTHS!
We serve a generous God, and we think He’s pleased to see generosity spread like wildfire.
Ready to take 60 seconds and learn how to set up your Facebook fundraiser? Here’s all it takes:
- In Facebook, go to your Menu (see the red arrow?) Look for Fundraisers on the list.
2. Click Raise Money.
3. Click Nonprofit.
4. Search for Springfield City Youth Mission.
That’s it! Don’t forget to customize your message to share your personal reasons for hosting a fundraiser. You’re using your superpower to help Springfield kids!