There are just a few weeks of school left, and SCYM’s school-year-based programs have all wrapped up. It’s a great time for our staff to pause and think about how some of our students have changed since last fall, and to give thanks to God for what He’s done in their lives. Here is Part 3 of a few stories (with names changed) from our staff.
“Mark” has been part of Tyler Worley’s Wise Guys groups for the past two school years. Last year, Tyler remembers that Mark’s norm was being the group clown, shutting down any opportunity to talk seriously about anything.
This year, Mark requested to be in Wise Guys again — twice! That’s a total of 30 sessions that Tyler and Mark had together. Tyler has seen Mark grow to become a leader in the group, being attentive, commanding respect from the other boys, and taking part in the group discussions about what it means to make wise choices. From all reports, Mark is doing well in school and has signed up to be part of Tyler’s “Man Up” group this summer.
We don’t always see huge changes in young people’s lives. And sometimes it’s incremental, happening so slowly that we can’t see the change, like a flower opening or a seed sprouting. But there are moments and days, weeks and years, where over time we see God changing the trajectory of a young person’s life. And it’s a good thing to stop and give Him thanks when we catch that glimpse.
Thank YOU for partnering with SCYM to help Springfield kids crush the odds with the love of God!