
Mentoring in first person: Steve and Travis’ story

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In 2010, Steve Eisentrager (the CEO of Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital, an active member of Lake Avenue Christian Church, and one of the most humble guys we know) approached SCYM about getting involved with kids and families somehow. Because of Steve’s crazy schedule as a hospital CEO, however, he couldn’t commit to a program time […]

Biz Ba$ics

Business + Basics + Kids = Biz Ba$ics

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About four years ago, we started brainstorming with our friends at Southgate Baptist Church about what we could do together to serve middle school kids in their neighborhood – an area where most kids know more people who’ve been to prison than people who’ve been to college. There were a whole lot of challenges to […]

afterschool program

Hope to Change Springfield’s Headlines

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Another week, another tragic headline – at least, that’s how it feels sometimes. We read Springfield’s tragic headlines – murders, assaults, arrests – and we feel sad, angry, afraid, maybe even numb. And maybe we start to believe there’s nothing we can do to change our headlines. But that’s not true! There is something we […]