From time to time I will have a volunteer call me and ask, do you need me today? And my response is always yes!
Imagine you were at a family reunion. If you are a grandma and see that there is already another grandma present, it would be silly to think that you should leave because that slot is already filled, right?
Or at Christmas time, it’s not that I necessarily need Grandpa there for the holiday to go on, but rather that I sincerely want him to be there – not because of the job that he does but because of who he is.
Well, we see ministry that same way and like to have more than enough volunteers at our programs so that the children we serve can experience that strong family feel even if they don’t get the opportunity when they go home. We don’t think so much about how to get someone to fill a position as much as we try to find out how to serve our volunteers by providing them a platform to minister the gifts that God has so generously provided them in an environment that they can succeed in.
The children we serve see our volunteers as family, and this is how I want our volunteers to see themselves. We believe this is how lives are changed and how God’s kingdom is best displayed.
Here at Springfield Christian Youth Ministries a large part of my (Tyler’s) job is to recruit and train volunteers for our programs. We value each and every volunteer the Lord sends us and really try to view what we do through the lens of family. We believe God’s plan to transform the world is through family. God is a father and through Jesus Christ He is calling all of His sons and daughters to enjoy the bounty of His house. Heaven will not look like a factory assembly line and neither should our ministry.
If you’d like to be part of SCYM’s family to bless kids this fall, whether you’re young or old or in between, we’ve got a place for you! Check out one of these opportunities starting in mid-September, and stay tuned for volunteer orientation times.
STARS Afterschool Program (K-6): Mon, Tues, or Thurs, 3:00-5:30 (partial time is OK)
GirlPower Afterschool Program (7-8): Mon, Tues, or Thurs, 3:45-6:00
Manpower Afterschool Program (7-8): Tues or Thurs, 3:45-6:00
Biz Ba$ics Afterschool Program (7-8): Wed, 4:00-6:00
Tyler Worley
SCYM Associate Director