Seven-year-old Michael* has been attending the STARS After-School program for over a year. Like many kids we meet, Michael has difficulty focusing, sitting still, and acting appropriately with his peers – and, no surprise, frequently finds himself in trouble.
Recently during STARS chapel time, director Jeff Nelson had to take a “STARSbuck” away from Michael for misbehavior. During the same chapel time, Jeff shared about Jesus’ love for us, and showed a clip from The Passion of the Christ. As the clip was being shown, Michael went up to Jeff and whispered, “Did that really happen? Did Jesus really do that for me?” Jeff whispered back, “Yes, he did, Michael. He loves you that much.” Jeff went on to explain to the kids what the gospel meant. Michael, along with several other children, later told Jeff that he had prayed to ask forgiveness for his sins, and trusted in Jesus.
The truth of the gospel is, when others would label us a misfit, a castoff, or a troublemaker, the love of Jesus tells us that our lives matter. In fact, they are infinitely valuable to him. Michael’s life is infinitely valuable. So is yours. So is mine. This we know.
Thank you for partnering with us to share Jesus’ love with the “Michaels” of our community. We’re so grateful to be in this with you!
*name changed