afterschool program

A Season for Planting

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I know that God brings growth to the seeds we plant and water, but sometimes a different kind of tree grows up than what we were thinking! That’s exactly what happened at SCYM this past fall. It was my first week on the job as Executive Director and one of the first things on my […]


So, what’s a Table Host?

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Each year SCYM holds the SCYM Spring Dessert, a fundraiser that gives attendees a behind-the-scenes look at afterschool programs like GirlPower, Biz Ba$ics and STARS! It’s a time to rally around Springfield kids and take steps toward a brighter future for our city. This year is SCYM’s 20th Anniversary and the Spring Dessert will be […]

afterschool program

Snapshots of GirlPower Afterschool

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January is GirlPower month around here! If you’re new to GirlPower, it’s an afterschool program for Springfield middle school girls that started in 2006. Girls meet once a week at sites around the city to talk, laugh, learn, exercise, and build healthy habits together. But GirlPower is more than just a program! We hope these […]

afterschool program

Find the gold in Springfield kids this fall

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If you’re like me, watching the Summer Olympics gives you all the feels: Athletes who’ve trained all their lives for this moment, parents and friends who’ve been by their side cheering them on, moments of glory and heartbreak, an athlete standing on the podium listening to their national anthem. We love it not just for […]

afterschool program

Hope to Change Springfield’s Headlines

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Another week, another tragic headline – at least, that’s how it feels sometimes. We read Springfield’s tragic headlines – murders, assaults, arrests – and we feel sad, angry, afraid, maybe even numb. And maybe we start to believe there’s nothing we can do to change our headlines. But that’s not true! There is something we […]